Argus Bursary Foundation (ABF) is about raising awareness and financial support towards a meaningful bursary contribution. In most circumstances, the foundation provides funding for secondary school education.
The target is a meaningful donation to a Queensland based private secondary school by 2025. The funds raised will partly finance a student’s school fees (and associated expenses like boarding fees) with the balance of the monies to met by the nominated school’s bursary program.
The likely student recipient is typically from a family that might not be able to obtain a solid education without financial assistance from a third party source. The majority of recipients for this form of bursary are from families of disadvantaged financial background and in many cases from an indigenous community.
Brad Lucas of Argus Bursary Foundation remarked that not only does the school student benefit from such a bursary but the knock on effects to the immediate family and the families’ community are often life changing now and for future generations.
Argus Bursary Foundation